QQ International Training and Certification Programs:
No | Certification Programs | Certification by |
1 | Certified Professional Human Resource® | QQ International |
2 | Certified Senior Professional Human Resource® | QQ International |
3 | Certified Human Capital Business Partner® | QQ International |
4 | Certified Behavioral Analyst® | QQ International |
5 | Certified Senior Behavioral Analyst® | QQ International |
6 | Certified Performance Consultant® | QQ International |
7 | Certified Handwriting Analyst® | QQ International |
8 | Certified General Manager SDM | BNSP |
9 | Certified Manajer SDM | BNSP |
10 | Certified Manajer Remunerasi | BNSP |
11 | Certified Manajer Manajemen Talenta | BNSP |
12 | Certified Manajer Pelatihan dan Pengembangan | BNSP |
13 | Certified Manajer Hubungan Industrial | BNSP |
14 | Certified Manajer Pengembangan Organisasi | BNSP |
15 | Certified Kepala Bagian SDM | BNSP |
16 | Certified Kepala Bagian Pelatihan dan Pengembangan | BNSP |
17 | Certified Kepala Bagian Rekrutmen dan Seleksi | BNSP |
18 | Certified Kepala Bagian Remunerasi | BNSP |
19 | Certified Kepala Bagian Hubungan Industrial | BNSP |
20 | Certified Supervisor SDM | BNSP |
21 | Certified Supervisor Rekrutmen dan Seleksi | BNSP |
22 | Certified Supervisor Hubungan Industrial | BNSP |
23 | Certified Staf SDM | BNSP |
24 | CPHR – Manajer SDM | QQ Int’l and BNSP |
25 | CSPHR – General Manajer SDM | QQ Int’l and BNSP |
Mohon Perhatikan Persyaratan Peserta Untuk Setiap Program Sertifikasi di Bawah ini:
Certified Professional Human Resource
- 4 Days of training, include certification test
- Bachelor degree, min 2 years of experience in HR, or
- Master degree, minimum 1 year of experience in HR
- Credentials CPHR®
Certified Senior Professional Human Resource
- 3 Days of training, include certification test
- CPHR Alumni, or
- Bachelor degree, minimum 8 years of work experience
- Credentials CSPHR®
Certified Human Capital business Partner®
- 3 Days of training, include certification test
- Bachelor degree, minimum 5 years of work experience
- Credentials HCBP®
Certified Behavioral Analyst®
- 2 Days of training, include certification test
- Bachelor degree, minimum 1 year of experience in HR, or
- Psychologist
- Credentials CBA®
Certified Senior Behavioral Analyst®
- 2 Days of training, include certification test
- Bachelor degree, minimum 2 years of experience in HR, or
- Psychologist
- Credentials CSBA®
Certified Performance Consultant®
- 3 Days of training, include certification test
- Bachelor degree, minimum 5 years of work experience
- Credentials CPC®
Certified Handwriting Analyst®
- 3 Days of training, include certification test
- Bachelor degree, minimum 2 years of experience in HR, or
- Psychologist
- Credentials CHA®
Certified Islamic Psychotherapist®
- 4 Days of training, include certification test
- Bachelor degree, minimum 2 years of experience in HR/ Counselling, or
- Psychologist
- Credentials CIPsy®
BNSP Training and Certification Programs :
General Manager
Remark : CGMSDM
Certified HR General Manager
- 4 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 5 days)
- Bachelor degree, minimum 2 years of experience as HR Manager, or
- Currently, serving as HR GM, for at least 6 months
Remark : CMSDM
Certified HR Manager
- 4 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 5 days)
- Min. D4 HR/D3 Applied Employment, or
- S1 all majors, or
- Currently, serving as HR Manager, for at least 6 months
Remark : CMR
Certified Remuneration Manager
- 4 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 5 days)
- Minimum D3, 1 year experience in HR, or
- S1 HR or equivalent, or
- Currently, serving as Remuneration Manager, for at least 6 months
Remark : CMMT
Certified Talent Management Manager
- 4 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 5 days)
- Minimum D3, 1 year experience in HR, or
- S1 HR or equivalent, or
- Currently, serving as Talent Management Manager, for at least 6 months
Remark : CMPP
Certified Learning and Development Manager
- 4 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 5 days)
- Minimum D3, 1 year experience in HR, or
- S1 HR or equivalent, or
- Currently, serving as Manager of Training and Development, for at least 6 months
Remark : CMHI
Certified Industrial Relations Manager
- 4 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 5 days)
- Minimum D3, 1 year experience in HR, or
- S1 HR or equivalent, or
- Currently, serving as Industrial Relations Manager, for at least 6 months
Remark : CMPO
Certified Organizational Development Manager
- 4 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 5 days)
- Minimum D3, 1 year experience in HR, or
- S1 HR or equivalent, or
- Currently, serving as Organizational Development Manager, for at least 6 months
Kepala Bagian
Remark : CKSDM
Certified Kabag SDM
- 3 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 4 days)
- Minimum D3, 1 year experience in HR, or
- S1 HR or equivalent, or
- Currently, serving as Kabag SDM, for at least 6 months
Kepala Bagian
Remark : CKPP
Certified Kabag Learning and Development
- 3 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 4 days)
- Minimum D3, 1 year experience in HR, or
- S1 HR or equivalent, or
- Currently, serving as Kabag Learning and Development, for at least 6 months
Kepala Bagian
Remark : CKRS
Certified Kabag Recruitment and Selection
- 3 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 4 days)
- Minimum D3, 1 year experience in HR, or
- S1 HR or equivalent, or
- Currently, serving as Kabag Recruitment and Selection, for at least 6 months
Kepala Bagian
Remark : CKRem
Certified Kabag Remuneration
- 3 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 4 days)
- Minimum D3, 1 year experience in HR, or
- S1 HR or equivalent, or
- Currently, serving as Kabag Remuneration, for at least 6 months
Kepala Bagian
Remark : CKHI
Certified Kabag Industrial Relations
- 3 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 4 days)
- Minimum D3, 1 year experience in HR, or
- S1 HR or equivalent, or
- Currently, serving as Kabag Industrial Relations, for at least 6 months
Remark : CSvSDM
Certified HR Supervisor
- 2 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 3 days)
- Minimum D2, or
- Minimum 1 year experience as HR Staff, or
- Currently, serving as HR Supervisor, for at least 6 months
Remark : CSvRS
Certified Recruitment and Selection Supervisor
- 2 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 3 days)
- Minimum D2, or
- Minimum 1 year experience as HR Staff, or
- Currently, serving as Recruitment and Selection Supervisor, for at least 6
Remark : CSvHI
Certified Industrial Relations Supervisor
- 2 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 3 days)
- Minimum D2, or
- Minimum 1 year experience as HR Staff, or
- Currently, serving as Industrial Relations Supervisor, for at least 6
Remark : CSSDM
Certified HR Staff
- 2 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 3 days)
- Minimum SLTA
- Currently, serving as HR Staff, for at least 6 months
QQ International – BNSP Dual Certification Programs:
CPHR – Manajer SDM
- 4 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 5 days)
- Bachelor degree, min 2 years of experience in HR, or
- Master degree, minimum 1 year of experience in HR
- Remarks : CPHR®Plus
CSPHR – General Manager SDM
- 4 Days of training, + 1 day certification test (total 5 days)
- CPHR Alumni, or
- Bachelor degree, minimum 8 years of work experience
- Remarks : CSPHR®Plus